Water Safety Tips for Families and Caregivers

As drowning deaths increase across the U.S., The ZAC Foundation is committed to providing families and caregivers with essential water safety tips to prevent tragic accidents. With over 4,000 unintentional drowning deaths each year, it’s critical to stay informed and vigilant, especially with young children.
In collaboration with water safety experts, The ZAC Foundation recommends the following eight tips to keep everyone safe in and around water:
- Choose Bright Swimsuit Colors: Dress children in bright-colored swimsuits that stand out in the water.
- Swim Lessons Are a Must: Enroll children in swim lessons early to reduce the risk of drowning by 88%.
- Be Aware of High-Risk Individuals: Take extra precautions for children with autism, as they are at higher risk for accidental drowning.
- Install Safety Alarms and Barriers: For elderly adults with dementia or young children, install pool alarms and barriers to prevent unsupervised access.
- Know the ABCDEs of Water Safety: A is for Adult supervision, B is for Barriers, C is for Classes, D is for Drain safety and Devices (like life jackets), and E is for Everywhere—water safety applies everywhere.
- Remain Vigilant in Large Groups: At pool parties, designate a “water watcher” to ensure someone is always supervising children.
- Protect Pets Around Water: Keep a close eye on pets around water, as not all breeds are natural swimmers.
- Be Mindful of Open Water: Swimming in open water like oceans requires different skills than pools. Be cautious of rip currents and always swim with a buddy.
Read the full piece quoting Megan Ferraro, director of The ZAC Foundation, in FoxNews.com.
June 18, 2024